FUE System

The ATERA FUE System is a new way to perform hair restoration that can make hair look natural. The doctor can make natural-looking hairlines or lines on the head where no hair exists. ATERA FUE has a new technology that provides good results: minimally invasive FUE hair restoration and it works for both men and women.

Don’t Let Hair Loss Ruin Your Self-Esteem

Dr. Lawrence Barnard of Hair Transplant Specialists – New York City (NYC) brings you the latest and most up-to-date technology in hair restoration. If you have been losing your hair or notice bald spots, now might be time to consult an expert about what you can do. Our team offers ideal options, including groundbreaking techniques like ATERA FUE treatment.

About ATERA FUE Hair Transplantation in New York City (NYC)

ATERA is a revolutionary way of automating the process of FUE hair restoration. It also provides hair transplant surgeons with advanced technology to perform FUE procedures. Additionally, ATERA reduces the pain and stitches associated with hair transplants. Hence, it creates natural-looking hairlines. The scars are virtually unnoticeable even when closely examined. Also, the ATERA system creates permanent and natural hairline solutions. Additionally, it helps in minimizing the recovery time from one to two days instead of weeks.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the benchmark in hair restoration techniques. This technique is different from other transplantation procedures because it harvests follicles individually. Other techniques use larger grafts. Thus, it can result in an unnatural appearance to those who have undergone this procedure before them. A surgeon locates each follicle and then cuts its papilla off at the root-holding point below skin level. This method leaves only one to three hairs linked to their originator tissue for removal or implantation elsewhere on the scalp.

Hair grafts are conducted by extracting one to three single hair follicles at a time using 0.6- to 1.025-millimeter micro punches. The process also leaves essentially no visible evidence of hair extraction. These micro punches are so little that no scars can be seen with the naked eye.

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How Does It Work?

We offer the latest advancement in hair restoration: the ATERA system. ATERA helps our surgeons harvest hair follicles then transplant the grafts into the balding area. ATERA also minimizes the pain, stitches, and scars during the process.

ATERA’s ergonomic design gives hair transplant surgeons better control and precision. Also, its sterile irrigation flush preserves the viability of each graft. Moreover, it allows the surgeons to determine the diameter and depth of extractions so that they can gently extract each hair follicle from the donor area on the scalp.

Patients who prefer to keep their hair short can get natural-looking hair transplants using FUE procedures. FUE hair restoration methods take longer than strip surgery. The benefits are that people can cut their hair short without worry about having scars from the surgery.

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Atera FUE Hair Restoration’s Advantages:
Candidates for ATERA FUE
Your Personal Hair Restoration Consultation
Preparation and Procedure

Atera FUE Hair Restoration’s Advantages:

  • Advanced FUE technology
  • One-day outpatient procedure
  • Scarring is minimal to non-existent
  • Very little discomfort
  • Minimally invasive procedure requiring a rapid recovery
  • Natural, long-lasting results

To determine how many grafts were taken, the ATERA FUE system uses a digital graft counter. During extraction, it lubricates the hair follicle root, keeping the grafts lubricated until they’re ready to be implanted. The procedure uses two tubings, one for graft suction and the other for lubrication. Compared to previous FUE systems, this technology is faster and more efficient. It’s more comfortable than a traditional strip hair transplant and effective on tight scalps.

Candidates for ATERA FUE

If you’re looking for hair loss treatments that are versatile, ATERA FUE may be a good fit. All types of hair, curly or straight, can be treated with this procedure. The ATERA FUE hair transplant system can help people who have bald spots on their heads. It also helps if you are taking medicine which is making you lose your hair, too.

Many factors can lead to hair loss, including the following:

  • Hereditary family history
  • Medical conditions and hormonal changes
  • Hairstyles and treatments: tight pigtails, cornrows, or traction alopecia
  • Stressful events
  • Supplements and medications
  • Head radiation treatment

Your Personal Hair Restoration Consultation

A skilled and experienced hair transplant doctor will take the time to understand your needs. They want to know what you want, how far along in the process of balding you are, and more. The doctor will be able to recommend which approaches may offer a high chance of success for patients like yourself.

When you see Dr. Barnard, Dr. Golio, Clinician Daniels, or Dr. Singh for an initial consultation, they will show you pictures of before and after procedures. They will also explain to you why these treatments work and what they are like.

If you decide to get a hair transplant with Hair Transplant Specialists – New York City (NYC), the procedure will be done in a doctor’s office. You won’t need to stay at the hospital for hours, and you can go home and rest afterward.

Our hair restoration experts will look at your history and create a plan for you to get the best results by using hair replacement, augmentation, or other methods.

Preparation and Procedure

The doctor will give you instructions for what to do before the surgery, including the following:

  • Eat healthy food and don’t smoke cigarettes.
  • Don’t take medications that may be bad for your health.
  • Drink alcohol for two weeks before the surgery.

These instructions will help your surgery go smoothly. Smoking before surgery slows the blood flow to the skin and can make your new tissue not grow well. If you smoke, stop at least two weeks before surgery.

Hair transplant surgery is commonly conducted at our facility at Hair Transplant Specialists – New York City (NYC). Our hair transplant doctors and clinicians will tell you how many hair grafts you need at your first consultation to figure out how long your hair replacement procedure will take.

The hair transplant operation is usually performed in the morning and completed in the afternoon of the same day. In the ATERA FUE system, after you have removed your hair follicles, they are moisturized to keep them ready for grafting.

Dr. Barnard, Dr. Golio, Clinician Daniels, or Dr. Singh will shave the donor region. To make you feel relaxed and comfortable, the doctor will apply a local anesthetic with sedation to the donor area. Micro punches under three to five times magnification are used by the hair restoration professional. He can remove hair follicles from the donor area more efficiently and precisely.

After extraction, the collection system places the grafts in a storage area. It digitally counts how many grafts have been collected and keeps them moist and cooled. Dr. Barnard, Dr. Golio, Clinician Daniels, and Dr. Singh will be gently transplanted onto the desired region.


The length, complexity, and type of surgery you’ve had all influence how quickly you may return to your normal routine, in addition to how well you follow aftercare guidelines. The day after your hair transplant, you may be able to go back to work and do light activities.

Don’t be alarmed if new hair falls out after six weeks. It’s normal for this process to happen, but it is almost always temporary. It will take another five to six weeks after the hair has fallen out before hair growth resumes. Expect a half-inch of growth per month when this hair loss occurs.

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Your incisions might need touching up with a surgical procedure to make them look better. To do this, a doctor might use one or more of the following three types of techniques:

  • Mini grafts
  • Micrografts

Slit-grafted procedures If you’ve had a flap operation, a little lump on the scalp known as a “dog ear” may remain. After complete healing, you can ask your doctor to medically remove it. ATERA FUE hair transplants can people have a full head of hair. Just ask Dr. Barnard’s patients about how they feel about these incredible hair transplant results.

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ATERA FUE is the most advanced hair restoration technology. However, a few lifestyle decisions can make it even better. These few simple changes can help you get the most out of your ATERA FUE treatments.

To promote quicker healing and hair regrowth after a hair transplant, make sure you eat foods high in protein. Tofu, walnuts, eggs, beans, salmon, and poultry are among these foods.

A healthy diet provides all of the nutrients your body needs. To do this, you can take vitamins to make sure you’re getting essential nutrients. Vitamins E, C, A, and B Complex all have a positive impact on hair health. Moreover, vitamin B is especially beneficial following a hair transplant. Iron-rich foods are good for your body because they help the body get stronger and heal faster.

When washing your hair with a sponge, be gentle. Do not use a lot of shampoos and don’t rub the towel on your hair too hard. Check with your doctor before getting a haircut.

Cornrows and pigtails are tight hairstyles that can contribute to hair loss. For best results, maintain a more delicate style. About two weeks after surgery, you can start using hair spray, gel, or mousse to keep your style in place with styling recommendations. You should consult your doctor to determine when it is OK to begin using styling products.

Although a regular scalp massage cannot prevent hair loss on its own, some evidence suggests that it can assist with retaining thicker hair. Inflammation is a normal part of the healing process, and you may notice some swelling in your forehead and temples. To help reduce swelling, gently massage the area with an outward swiping motion from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Do this massage four to five times per day.


If you are looking for a hair restoration procedure, you might want to try ATERA FUE. ATERA FUE will help you get more hair on your head or help your hair look fuller. At Hair Transplant Specialists – NYC, we offer honest and straightforward hair transplant costs as well as 0% financing and affordable pricing. There are no hidden fees or gimmicks.


FUE is also known as follicular unit extraction or excision. This technique can help someone who is balding. Hair transplant surgeons can remove the hair from the back of a patient’s head and transplant it to places where the individual is experiencing baldness.

FUE allows doctors to remove hair one at a time by making small incisions just under the surface of scalp tissue. This procedure is different from shaving. In traditional procedures, doctors use physical effort to cut out patches. But here, the surgery focuses on areas where the doctor cuts off the patch.

FUE hair transplantation is the most precise method of placing hair follicles on the scalp. Doctors use a machine that tells them which hairs are the healthiest. We put them in another place on your head where you are bald or thinning down. This information is used by the ATERA system to determine which hairs should go where and find new homes for them.

ATERA FUE is an advanced hair transplant technique that creates small openings in the skin. This technique is less invasive and leaves little marks which are less than a millimeter in diameter. The technique can make your new hair look and feel better. ATERA FUE also has different sizes for follicles, and the doctor can choose which size to use on your hair type.

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Benefits of ATERA FUE

The ATERA FUE System stands out from other FUE systems such as the NEOGRAFT, SMARTGRAFT, WAW, Ellis, Cole, S.A.F.E., and others because of its unique features and benefits. Among them are:

  • Grafts are lubricated from the time they are extracted until they are transplanted.
  • Others have only one tube to irrigate and suction grafts to protect them from harm, while others have two tubes to do both.
  • The client can see the computerized graft counter.
  • The handpiece is small and light, causing little stress to the scalp.
  • Different types of hair (curly, straight, thin, etc.) have different punch sizes associated with them.
  • Doctors can perform the procedure in less time because of the system’s speed and efficiency.
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