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Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is one of the most common and recognizable forms of hair loss. It typically starts at your temples or crown, or it may cause your hairline to simply recede backwards. In most cases of male pattern baldness, the hair gets thinner over time until there is no longer hair on the top of the head or around the front of the hairline. Male pattern baldness commonly affects men as they age, and genetic factors can come into play.

Male Pattern Baldness: It’s More Common Than You Think

According to some estimates, as many as half of all American males will experience male pattern baldness before the age of 50. While it’s often associated with aging, male pattern baldness can begin when you are still young. Some men see thinning hair as early as their 20s. About 70% of men will experience male pattern hair loss in their lifetime.

Genetic Factors

For many people, male pattern baldness runs in the family. You may be able to predict your likelihood of hair loss by looking at older relatives and seeing what their hair looks like.

Hormonal Factors

But genetics isn’t the only reason for male pattern baldness. Hormonal factors can also come into play. Testosterone and other androgenic hormones change over time and contribute to changes in hair growth, including male pattern baldness. Androgen hormones are also significant to this type of hair loss.

Race and Ethnicity

Your ancestry may be a factor in hair loss as well, with caucasian men experiencing male pattern baldness sooner and at a greater rate than other races.

Hair Growth

To understand male pattern baldness and treatments for reversing male pattern baldness, you should first consider the growth cycle of your hair. Every hair grows out of a tiny opening called a hair follicle. Typically, each hair will grow about an inch each month until it reaches its peak length. It then goes into resting mode and waits for several months before growing again. This process repeats itself many times throughout your life.

When the growth cycle is disrupted or diminished, hair follicles can start to shrink. This shrinkage causes the hair coming out of the follicle to be thinner and shorter. Eventually, the growth cycle for each strand will stop completely. When this happens, the hairs will fall out and not grow back. When this happens with many follicles, it results in visible hair loss.

The Effect on Mental Health

Male pattern baldness may be common, but that does not mean it is always easy to handle. While few health risks are associated with male pattern baldness, the impact on your mental health can be significant. Male pattern baldness can lead to depression or anxiety. It can cause diminished vitality and a lowered sense of worth.

Male Pattern Baldness: Solutions

Solutions exist for people who suffer from male pattern baldness; now has never been a better time for getting help. There is not a male pattern baldness cure, but there are treatment options that can make a huge difference. Ultimately, you do not have to let male pattern baldness be a certainty in your life. By learning more about the condition, you can start to take control of your appearance once more.

Although male pattern baldness is prevalent, it is certainly not the only reason for hair loss. You should never assume male pattern baldness causes hair loss without also considering other causes. Some other conditions and medications can affect your hair. It is best to have your hair loss assessed by a professional before moving forward with a plan to address the issue.

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What Is Male Pattern Baldness?

Male pattern baldness is progressive hair loss that begins as a receding hairline or a bald spot atop the head. The process of thinning and receding hair can begin as early as your 20s and continue for many years, with a majority of men experiencing thinning hair by their 50s.

The appearance of male pattern baldness is familiar to most people. One common progression of male pattern baldness begins at the hairline. The hair starts to recede from the forehead until an M-shaped hairline develops. Each strand of hair grows finer, shorter, and thinner over time. Ultimately, this pattern of hair loss results in a horseshoe pattern along the sides of the head.

Male pattern baldness can also begin with a bald spot that starts at the crown or top of the head. The bald spot will expand over time, leaving the top of the head hairless.

When you address the underlying cause of these problems, your hair may be able to regrow. To understand more, take a closer look at what causes male pattern baldness.

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What Causes Male Pattern Baldness?

Male pattern baldness can be linked to your genes and male sex hormones. These factors influence how your hair grows and how it changes as you age.

Each strand of hair you grow comes from a small hole (cavity) in the skin known as a follicle. In people prone to baldness, hair follicles can shrink over time. The result is shorter, finer hair. Down the road, the follicle may stop growing new hair, leaving the scalp bald.

However, follicles typically remain alive. In this case, growing new hair with the right treatment plan may still be possible.

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Medication for Male Pattern Baldness

While nothing works as a complete male pattern baldness cure, medication can preserve your hair and delay or prevent the need for hair translation surgery in the future.

Finasteride (Propecia) for Hair Loss

Finasteride is an oral medication that can balance the hormones that lead to male pattern baldness. It helps enhance the number of scalp hairs without simultaneously increasing body hair. The medication targets DHT levels. By supporting hormone levels, it is possible to minimize the progression of hair loss from male pattern baldness. For the best results, patients must take finasteride continuously. This action will maintain your hormone levels and keep your hair growing strong.

Most men start to see results with finasteride in three to six months. It takes some time for the medication to take effect, and the body needs time to adapt. You will need to keep taking the medication to see continued results. If you stop taking finasteride, hair loss may resume.Some people experience side effects such as chills, cold sweats, confusion, and dizziness. If you notice any side effects from finasteride, talk to your doctor right away.

Finasteride can be effective, but it only works for some. Talk to your doctor if you do not notice results within a year. It may be best to discontinue your usage and try a new approach.

Topical Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a topical medication that can effectively promote hair growth in the treatment of male pattern baldness. Best known under the brand name Rogaine, minoxidil is safe and convenient. You can purchase minoxidil without a prescription.

Minoxidil is available in both a liquid and a foam form, and you apply it to your scalp according to the package directions. Most people will see results within four months. With regular use, minoxidil can slow down the progression of male pattern baldness. However, the effects will only remain sustained while using the medication. If you stop using minoxidil, hair loss will likely resume.

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Male Pattern Baldness Treatment Options

Hair transplantation surgery offers a permanent solution to male pattern baldness. Unlike medications that you have to use consistently to see results, surgery will replace your lost hair with your own hair follicles from elsewhere on your body. Surgery is the treatment plan that comes closest to being a male pattern baldness cure.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular unit transplantation is a type of hair transplantation that moves strips of hair from one area of your body to your scalp.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular unit extraction is a type of hair transplantation where doctors remove individual hair follicles from one area of your body and implant them on your scalp. 

Finasteride (Propecia) for Hair Loss

Finasteride is a powerful tool against male pattern baldness…..

Topical Minoxidil

Minoxidil can effectively promote hair growth in the treatment of…..

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular unit transplantation is a type of hair transplantation that moves strips of hair from one area of your body to your scalp. FUT hair transplants are also known as strip hair transplant procedures. The FUT hair transplant method involves taking a strip of hair and tissue from the donor area. Doctors dissect the hair strips into individual hair grafts, which are then transplanted into the thinning and balding areas.

FUT hair transplants are possible thanks to advanced tools formulated to combat hair loss. Our resident expert Dr. Barnard can use FUT tools to perform MEGA sessions with up to 4,000 grafts.


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular unit extraction is a type of hair transplantation where doctors remove individual hair follicles from one area of your body and implant them on your scalp.

Your doctor will remove healthy hair follicles from the donor area. Each graft is removed individually, with minimal removal of surrounding skin. When the grafts are ready, they get transplanted into the balding or thinning area. FUE is a less painful process than FUT and does not leave significant scarring at the site where follicles are removed. In addition, FUE translation allows the transplanted hair to be more evenly distributed over your scalp.

One of the best things about FUE hair replacement surgery is that the results can be permanent. Since the follicle is left intact, it should stay active when transplanted. In other words, it will continue to produce new hair for years to come. However, it is not as successful when other factors beyond male pattern baldness cause hair loss. No transplant can ever provide a complete turnaround, but these procedures can profoundly impact some people.

FUE hair transplants can take longer than other procedures, and the surgeons and clinicians must have advanced training for the best results. Fortunately, you can get these results at Hair Transplant Specialists (NYC). Dr. Barnard, Dr. Golio, Clinician Daniels, and Dr. Singh are adept with many technologies and methods, including FUE.


Finasteride (Propecia) for Hair Loss

Finasteride is a powerful tool against male pattern baldness. It helps enhance the number of scalp hairs without simultaneously increasing body hair. The medication targets DHT levels. By supporting hormone levels, it is possible to minimize the progression of hair loss from male pattern baldness. For the best results, patients must take finasteride continuously. This action will maintain your hormone levels and keep your hair growing strong.

Most men start to see results with finasteride in three to six months. It takes some time for the medication to take effect, and the body needs time to adapt. However, most men do see new hair growth within that time. It is important to note that men will lose any progress with finasteride once they discontinue usage.

In most cases, you will receive a prescription for 1 milligram of finasteride. You should take it orally once a day. Although most people tolerate finasteride very well, some possible side effects could occur. These side effects could include chills, cold sweats, confusion, and dizziness. If you notice any side effects from finasteride, talk to your doctor right away.

Finasteride can be effective, but it does not work for everyone. If you do not notice results within a year, talk to your doctor. It may be best to discontinue your usage and try a new approach.

Topical Minoxidil

Minoxidil can effectively promote hair growth in the treatment of male pattern baldness. Best known under the brand name Rogaine, minoxidil is safe and convenient. Unlike many hair loss remedies, individuals can purchase minoxidil without a prescription.

Minoxidil is available in both a liquid and a foam form. Most people will see results within four months. Moreover, the effects will only remain sustained while using the medication. Once an individual suspends minoxidil usage, the hair loss will likely resume. In this way, the effects are not permanent. Even so, minoxidil can slow down the progression of male pattern baldness.

Choosing a Treatment Plan for Male Pattern Baldness

No matter how common male pattern baldness may be, you can address your hair loss and rejuvenate your overall appearance. At Hair Transplant Specialists – New York City (NYC), we can assess the nature of your hair loss and give you the tools you need. We will work with you to develop the best treatment for male pattern baldness to suit your needs and goals.

We can talk to you about the benefits and limitations of medications. Likewise, our team can help determine whether you are a good candidate for surgical intervention.

We know that every person’s story is different, and we want to take a personalized approach to your treatment. Visit our office for an in-person consultation, or take advantage of our convenient online consultation service to learn more about what we can do for you.


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